We master the different levels of technical know-how in the documents you entrust to us within our areas of competence. From internal memos to international publications, scientific, legal, technical and commercial translation is the heart of our business..
We have signed the
Code of Conduct published by the French translators' society
Société française des traducteurs and comply with its general principles such as
probity and
integrity in carrying out our work,
a faithful translation produced according to professional best practice and
professional secrecy .
We produce our
translations in accordance with the
EN 15038 standard.
All our translations are proofread by another translator in the field. We use
client translation memories to guarantee that the vocabulary used is consistent from one document to the next. We update them regularly in the light of comments made translation after translation.
You know your translator and your translator knows your product.
WWe are confident of determining and meeting deadlines without compromising the quality of the translation. Our network of professional translators provides you with the responsiveness and flexibility demanded by companies today.
Whatever the nature of
your document, we are bound by professional secrecy.
For your
documents (court papers, medicine instructions, articles of association, etc.) we also offer a
certification/authentication service provided by
sworn translators recognized by the courts in France and abroad.